EKU breaks ground for NSB Phase 2

On October 23, representatives from the Eastern Kentucky University, public officials, and members of the Omni Architects design team gathered under sunny skies to break ground on Phase 2 of the New Science Building, two years after the completion of Phase 1. The 158,000 SF building will adjoin Phase 1 and will add the Departments of Biological Sciences and Geography and Geology. Construction will begin soon and is expected to be complete by late 2017.

The highly praised Phase 1 of the NSB has been credited for its role in increased test scores among science students and an overall positive outlook among building occupants. Since the building opened, the number of chemistry and physics majors has more than doubled – a testament to the relationship between facilities and learning. With features such as state of the art labs and classrooms, ample natural daylighting, and spaces for students to interact and collaborate beyond the classroom, the building provides an architecturally pleasing response to the principles of 21
st Century learning environments.

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