Fire Academy of Kentucky Opens

Firefighter training facility opens in Greenville
Ribbon Cutting Day is the moment our client’s aspirations are realized and they can begin to fulfill their mission in a building that’s been custom-designed for their unique activities. May first was that day for the Fire Academy of Kentucky, a project that is the result of a collaboration between the Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS) and the Kentucky Fire Commission. The Academy trains and certifies responders to save lives, property & the environment - the fundamentals of their mission. This new state-of-the-art facility will allow the Academy’s highly motivated and skilled instructors to provide quality training programs and certification to the fire service.

Working in collaboration with client representatives, the Omni
Architects design team achieved the goals identified by the agency, which were twofold: quantitative goals that included classrooms, high-bay spaces, a mock fire station, and a burn tower; and qualitative goals such as a state of the art building that is professional, functional, and instills a sense of pride in program attendees.

The project was led by Omni partner Chad Gallas as principal in charge, with Erin Ruhl as Project Manager. According to Chad, ‘It was a pleasure working with the Kentucky Fire Commission to bring this project to life. The design process started in the midst of the Covid pandemic and the original bidding timeline landed directly in the heart of the subsequent global supply chain meltdown. Through all of it, Pat Thompson, Marc Henderson, and the Fire Commission remained passionate about the impact this project would have on the statewide training program. It was an honor to share that journey and participate in the creation of a facility that will impact responders and the communities they serve and protect throughout the Commonwealth.”